Archivo mensual febrero 11, 2019

PorEnrique Candel

Provisional creation in 3 minutes with limaguide ready for printing

Modeling of pieces 46 and 47, provisional for 3D printing before surgery, performed with the limaguide software in 3 minutes.

PorEnrique Candel

virtual modeling of parts 45 and 46 with the new version of the limaguide software

virtual modeling of parts 45 and 46 with the new version of the limaguide software

PorEnrique Candel

Impresion 3D de férula quirúrgica

Férula quirúrgica 5 implantes, maxilar inferior, planificado con el software limaguide.

PorEnrique Candel

Rehabilitation 5 implants with limaguide for surgical splinting

Digital waxing and planning of 5 lower jaw implants for surgical splinting